Every time heard about these incidents, I feel so helpless as nothing is in our hand while dealing with the bastards who had been attacking the sovereignty of the largest Democracy. In last couple of months, almost all the big cities of India have gone through several terrorist attacks & I don't know who is to blame. But If somebody asks me the same question then my question would be "Not at least Terrorists" , the simple reason is because they are terrorists & you can't expect anything good from them for the humanity. They are properly brain-washed by few radical group of people. If not they, then who should be blamed, simple answer comes to my mind is our soft attitude towards terrorism by the politicians & the government.

We have a Prime Minister, who just doesn't know what to do in these kind of crisis, who is a great economist, good bureaucrat or you can also say great scholar but sadly not a deserving candidate for Prime-minister's office. I don't know what goes in the Prime-minister office but at least it gives the impression that even that novice Gandhi Scion has more powers then Mr. Prime-minister. Then comes our Mr. Home-minster, first question arises when the people of his own constituency didn't find him capable of representing him in the parliament political party, how could our oldest political party choose him for the portfolio of home ministry & only Her Highness can give the answer. Next great personality who knocks on the doors of my mind is Mr Chief Minister, Mumbai. And you know what, I feel, he doesn't have any control on any activity happening in his state which has been proved very well in last couple of months. Besides these 'Three Stooges', there are few for whom militancy means one community only. They try to certify that anybody from their community can not be a terrorist even if prime suspects of any heinous crime are from his community.
Anyway, here I want to emphasize on the latest one in the list of terror acts of world history. The attack on Mumbai is very different from other terrorist activities in last few years. Here, innocent people were captivated without any reason, no use of big explosive was done though it was planned if terrorists had survived a little more. The only incident in India I can relate with this incident is the Plane Hijack in December 1999 though in that incident, people were made hostages with the demand of acquittal of three militants which were in Indian jails which didn't happen this time. They came with the solo motto of killing as many people as possible wanting nothing in return.
In these kind of situations, its very difficult to save the people because at one side security forces have to eliminate all the militants ensuring that no innocent give the life. At this time, the united courage of the hostages could be very supportive in handling the situation and rescuing maximum no. of people.
In 1999, Rupin Katyal was the one who protested a bit though it was a failed effort & cost him his life but when similar effort (a united effort) was made in the United 93 flight, which was allegedly targeted to Capitol Building OR White house, by the passengers of that flight, they saved the the capital of their nation & proved the patriotism.
In the Taj-Oberoi incident we lost more then 150 innocent people till now & death toll is still increasing intermittently. If even 50 people there could have the spirit of 'DO & Die' and protest against those terrorist in a united form, so many lives could be saved.
Here, what I think, are few possible steps which could help India in becoming a Safe country:
1. At least one young Man from each family should be sponsored for a compulsory Army Training for 1-2 years. If I get a chance now, I'll be the first one in accepting this challenge.
2. Second Police Force should be paid well. In USA, a police-man is being paid a salary more then a Software Engineer, but in India, a Police man with a service of 10 years is being paid half salary then a Software Engineer with 2 years of service.
3. Third, if history repeats itself and anyone of us finds him/herself in the hostages, don't just pray for your life,go ahead & motivate fellow people who could help you in fighting with those terrorists. If nobody agrees then fight alone, because you don't know if you'll remain to fight the terrorism after that.
Today I may not know anything but what I know is if I find myself any of the situations like United 93(Plane crashed after attack on twin towers), IA 814(Kandhar Plane Hijack) Or Taj Hotel, I'll not just come out without fighting.