Here I was seeing how difficult situations many Asians have gone through while staying in United States. There was a guy who was shot by few people & caught paralysis. Now his life has bound to a Wheel-chair, he can't work or I should say he is nothing but a dependent creature in this independent world. There was another old person who was beaten by few boys who were saying that this person should leave their country & go back to his home country.
There were many such instances when South Asian people were at the receiving end of Hate Crimes but my intention on writing this topic is not to emphasize what is happening with Indians in America but what I want to ask how we talk about free trade market, equal opportunities across the globe for any body of any ethnicity when we, ourselves, can't let our fellow Indians to work in our state. This is nothing but hypocrisy that we are lobbying in United States for allowing our people to work there by favoring Off-shoring but, a big BUT, we can't save the livelihood of our own citizens in our own country.
Today, I don't know what makes our fellow Indians to say that India is a greatest country in the world. We crib about our culture being ruined by western influence, but, frankly we don't have any culture if we can't respect the freedom of individuals, no Country is great if its people can't come together & fight against sinisters.
When a foreigner comes & replace a local worker in any job, a feeling of resentment is inevitable, but the kind of drama is going in India makes me feel ashamed that even after few thousands year of Indian history, we are still divided on the basis of cast & state.
The Only question I am asking here is why can't we called Indians only rather then Hindu, Muslim OR Bihari, Maharastrian.