It was a good guitar session, probably my last one. All the old club members were asked to play a song for new members & most of my fellow members played really well & set the benchmark which I could not undermine. I had to perform if not above than at par to their performances. I didn’t have many choices of songs because most of the good songs had already been played. So I chose one of toughest song we learnt & that was ‘Hotel California’, such a lovely & iconic song performed by guitar maestros, Eagles.
As I started introducing myself, my Guitar Instructor demanded a round of applause for me for the coordination I had been doing for last few months, & obviously I felt good. After that I played full song on my instrument but did one unpardonable mistake & that was I didn’t finish it on a high note. Nevertheless, I was happy. I was satisfied; I got few round of applause for this performance.
I was feeling really emotional as I was attending my last session.
I want to promise myself, may not learn guitar from a professional instructor any more, I’ll improve myself on my own & will carry this as a passion through out my life.